Robotic Course - Level 1 Funtronix
Kids love exploring stuff and making them, which allows us to nurture their skills as they learn Robotic Course. Not only is “Making” fun, it also builds confidence and enhances creativity while they learn how the world around them works. We want to foster curiosity while they understand the principles of tinkering, build new foundations, and most importantly understand “what & why” they are making.

What makes O’Botz Unique & Better than other Robotics/Coding Program?
Innovative, Unique &
Futuristic Prototypes
Experiments: 70+
Observations: 200+
Projects& Challenges: 50+
Designs & Applications: 20+
The Funtronix kit is amazingly flexible & scalable. One can learn various aspects of Electronic circuits using the modular kit. The components are easy to connect using simple to use Jump wires enabling anyone to build a circuit without requiring soldering, gluing or messy breadboard; this saves time for maximum experimentation. You learn how each circuit functions & how the various aspects of it perform.
Using the kit, one can make 70+ experiments. Experiments are given in the same way as we conduct practical lessons in Science in School – Aim, Apparatus, Diagram, Observation and Conclusion; along with worksheets the child shall record the observations & recognize the functional changes.
The whole process is fun because it adds no complex connection procedures & the modules are easy to interpret – thus making it child-friendly. With Maker Breaker a child hands-on education in how electrical circuits work to run the everyday devices that they’re familiar with. It empowers kids to create their own electronic projects and instills a healthy dose of learning along the way.
Once children have mastered several of the techniques introduced in this kit, they can use the components to experiment and create their own customized circuits and electronic devices. The projects covered are related to our daily interaction with electronic world, but for a first-timer, especially the young kids, it is playing with their imagination. Kids can also make a game or a teaching aid in their classroom to make learning fun or a toy.