Robotic Course - Level 3 Solarix
One of the most fascinating kits of Robotic Course for kids from O’Botz is Solarix wherein we cover three important subjects that are applicable in Robotics – Solar power, Wireless control and Electrical networks.
The world is going wireless because a lot of wires can not only be messy, but also costly. In addition to being used to operate various electronic devices, wireless is also a mode of communication. This level introduces wireless circuits & basic principles of wireless communication/control.

What makes O’Botz Unique & Better than other Robotics/Coding Program?
Innovative, Unique &
Futuristic Prototypes
Designs & Applications: 40+
Experiments: 20+
Projects: 20+
Activities & Challenges: 10+
To understand radio frequencies we use RF module based wireless circuit. You learn about transmitter and receiver using respective circuit boards. You not only learn communication concepts such as encoding & decoding, but also mathematical concepts of numbering systems. Interesting projects such as a wireless home control system can be developed along with wireless robot being the primary objective.
Beyond this, we also know the importance of renewable source of power such as solar energy. You learn concepts of solar cells and panels while learning about the use of solar as power source not only for a robot but also for electronic devices such as mobile. Although solar cells can be costly for commercial usage, we have a project based panel which will give good insights.
The most fascinating is the third part of this kit, autonomous robots without programming, using electrical networks (basic circuits). This section of learning helps in strengthening logic of electronic circuits and understanding of power supplies in a circuit. You also learn about micro-switches as mechanical sensors and its applications. You emulate the working of insects in simple way.
Applications such as obstacle avoiding robot, object following robot, edge avoiding robot, wall following robot help in developing logical and analytical thinking. There are different sensing methods which also help in design thinking.
This kit also adds to the possibilities of projects by integrating with other kits. They can be used to create some amazing Science fair projects at school level, considering the world is moving towards wireless and solar technology.
Solarix kit also requires use of Maker Breaker kit in various experiments hence it is always better to buy them together or have MBJ kit prior to buying this kit.